If you haven't heard, Sony is holding a press conference today. It is expected that Sony will be releasing the specs or at least the vague concept of the system.
Personally, I think they are going to try to milk out all of their other nonsense that no one really cares about. Now don't think that I hate Sony. I have been a loyal Sony whore since I got my hands on my first Play station when I was eight.
What I mean by nonsense is Play Station Home, an enhanced Move system, something concerning trophies and players messaging each other on PSN. I hope to Kratos that they do not announce that they are planning to announce or even think its a good idea to implement a "no used games" idea.
Now things I, and probably everyone else, might be interested is the new very brown and grey shooter (Killzone 4), Uncharted 4 (Is that what we are on?), Vita support, Cloud saving and maybe some of the hardware enhancements. What would be awesome, and I know they wont do it, is the ability to hook up your steam account to your PSN account so your cloud saves can be linked.
From what I understand the PS4 is going to be drastically cheaper than the initial price of the PS3 (which according to Sony was due to the back words compatibility). Also, from what I've seen Sony intends to have PS3 games have the ability to stream on the PS4. I'm not 100% on what that means. It could be "If you have the game data and trophies linked to your PS3 account prior to linking your PSN to your PS4 its considered own" or it could be that you need to buy the licensing to the game before you can play it. I have no idea how they plan on implementing this, but I am very very interested.
If you want to watch the stream Sony will have, here are a few links:
Game Informer
Official UStream
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